Tuesday, October 28, 2014

49. Quantum -- Basil Kirchin

Mojo Says: "Music and sound manipulated into something entirely other."

Album: Quantum
Artist: Basil Kirchin
Year: 2003 (recorded circa 1973)
Length: 48'18"

Track Listing:
  1. Once Upon A Time
  2. Special Relativity

Favorite Tracks:
  1. Special Relativity

Worst Tracks:
They're both good tracks. I just prefer Special Relativity.

Is it weird?
Uhh, yes. Yes it is definitely weird.


Oh, boy. Did the weirdness levels really skyrocket with this one. I can appreciate an interesting noise piece, and I was ready to call this one as just that and nothing more. Until, I found out that it was recorded in 1973, which frankly blew my mind. There had been experimental electronic pieces and sound collages before (like the Beatles' infamous Revolution 9, though I've always had a strange fondness for that one), but this is one of the most radically innovative and uncompromising albums I've heard in awhile.

From the keyboards and electronics to the brass and stringed instruments, this album is about 10% melody and 90% cacophonous noise. However Basil Kirchin manages to make noise beautiful and compelling in a way that only My Bloody Valentine can, and even they've never gone this far off the deep end. The moods created by seemingly random notes, electronic textures, and vocal samples is really something you have to hear to believe.

That being said, this is an almost impenetrable album. I can't really see myself coming back to this too often, but I do admire the quality and how ahead of its time it is. This album is a truly impressive listen, albeit not an entirely pleasurable one.




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